Wire transfer :
1.406,98 USD
Pay with credit card :
1.406,98 USD
No installments on this product
As a free member of our site, you can take advantage of the discounts we offer only to our members.
You will be informed about the campaigns and innovations implemented on our site.
You can earn points from your shopping and other activities (by commenting on products and becoming a free member on our site) and have the opportunity to shop at a discount. Shop more and earn more points. You can convert the points you earn into gift cards and use them for your purchases.
You can earn points on our site in many ways, and you can use these points to create a gift voucher for discounted shopping.
There is a "PlatinumPoint" for every product offered for sale on our site. The amount of Platinum Points is the same as the sales amount of the product. Each time you shop, you earn points equal to the sum of the amounts of the products you ordered. You can convert your points automatically loaded into your member account into gift vouchers and use them in your next shopping.
In order for your points to be loaded into your account, a member login is required before ordering.
2.Make a comment.(40 PlatinumPoints)
You can express your thoughts by commenting on a product you use or like, help other users shop and earn points.
3.Become a member. (200 PlatinumPoints)
As a free member on our site, you can instantly earn 100 TL worth of platinum points!
How Can I Create a Gift Shot?
1.In order to create a Gift Certificate, your points must be active and the terms of use must be met.
2.If the appropriate conditions are met in order to create a check, log in to our site and click on the "Convert my selected points into check" button from the My Points tab. After this process, the system will redirect to the "My Gift Certificates" page. You can see the checks you have created and learn how to use these checks in detail on this page.
How Can I Use My Gift Certificates?
1. After adding the products you want to buy to your cart, go to the "My Cart" page. Click the "My Checks" button next to the "Check / Coupon Code" section on this page. All your active checks will appear on the screen. From this screen, press the "Use" button next to the check you want to use.
2.When you click this button, the system will recognize the check code and warn you that "check amount will be deducted from order total".
3.After receiving this warning, you can continue to create your order with the "Buy" button.
4.When you come to the order confirmation page, do not confirm your order until you check the order amount and make sure that the check amount has been deducted from your order.
5.If you have any problems with your gift card, you can contact us through our contact information and convey your problem.
What are the Terms of Use for My Gift Certificates?
1. The gift voucher must be active in order to be used. If you do not have a check created or if your checks have expired, checks cannot be used.
2. You must use your active checks within 180 days of the check's creation date. Otherwise, your check will be automatically deleted.
3. www.caddeyildiz.com reserves the right to make changes to checks.